21-22 Nov 2022 Montpellier (France)


The Workshop on Logic, Graphs, and Algorithms (LoGAlg 2022) is a two-day event held at LIRMM (Montpellier) during the dates 21 and 22 of November 2022. The workshop will be dedicated to the logical aspects of graph algorithms and their diverse applications in Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics.


Graph algorithms

Structural graph theory

Model theory

Algorithmic meta-theorems

Parameterized algorithms and complexity

Graphs parameters

Complexity theory


LOGALG 2022 is organized by the AlGCo team (Algorithms Graphs and Combinatorics) of LIRMM

Scientific committee:

Organizing commitee:

  • Laure Morelle
  • Evangelos Protopapas

Invited Speakers

Alber Atserias, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Anuj Dawar, University of Cambridge, UK

Sebastian Siebertz, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Szymon Toruńczyk, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Persons that attended the workshop

Albert    Atserias
Benjamin    Bergougnoux
Gaétan    Berthe
Stéphane    Bessy
Édouard    Bonnet
Marin    Bougeret
Samuel    Braunfeld
Julie    Cailler
Anuj    Dawar
Zdeněk    Dvořák
Ioannis    Eleftheriadis
Fedor    Fomin
Robert    Ganian
Colin    Geniet
Daniel    Gonçalves
Lars    Jaffke
Mamadou    Kanté
Eunjung    Kim
Noleen    Köhler
Stefan    Kreutzer
Wiliam     Lochet
Nikolas    Mählmann
Yann    Marin
Rose Marie    Mccarty
Martin    Milanič
Laure     Morelle
Christophe    Paul
Alexandre    Pinlou
Evangelos    Protopapas
Jean-Florent    Raymond
Amadeus    Reinald
Simon    Robillard
Matthieu    Rosenfeld
Peter    Rossmanith
Ignasi    Sau
Nicole    Schirrmacher
Luc    Segoufin
Sebastian    Siebertz
Giannos    Stamoulis
Stefan    Szeider
Dimitrios    Thilikos
Szymon    Toruńczyk
Petru    Valikov

LoGAlg 2023

The 2nd Workshop on Logic, Graphs, and Algorithms (LogAlG 2023) was held during November 15-17, 2023 in Warsaw, Poland

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